Your Work. Your business. Your life.

Before I became an attorney, I went to architecture school and worked in the field for years. I’ve been a photographer and an architectural illustrator. I understand your work, because I’ve been there myself. My clients include architects, web designers, photographers, interior designers, painters, landscape architects and writers. What they have in common: their work is their business, and their passion. Protect it, nurture it, and plan for success.

  • Protect yourself.

    Are you in business? Planning a business? Understanding your liabilities and building from a strong foundation is important. Let’s talk about whether incorporation makes sense.

  • Protect your work.

    Copyright protection, trademarks and contracts are probably not what excites you, but they are crucial to your success. Every work you create is valuable. The most successful architects and designers understand this and plan for it. I can help.

  • Grow and thrive.

    You, your business and your work are all unique, and your needs are unique. Do you have office space and employees? Do you do commissions? Shoot weddings? Sell image rights? You need contracts and advice. You need a long-term relationship with outside counsel.